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My Westerdahl’s Incredible 100KG Weight Loss Diet, Meals & Training Routine!

My Westerdahl’s Incredible 100KG Weight Loss Diet, Meals & Training Routine!

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My Westerdahl has had one incredible weight loss journey, losing over 80KG in 4 years (2010-2014) and even through ups and downs, has lost over 100KG of fat in the last 7 years.

My was at a doctors appointment, tipping the scales at 170KGS or almost 375lbs and she was told that unless things started to turn around, she could die within the next two years due to complications with her weight.

This shock lead My down the search for a new diet, something she could stick to and could change her whole relationship with food. The ketogenic (low carb high fat) diet, turned out to be just what she needed and using these principles, combined with a new heavy weight training gym routine, My unbelievably, started to lose weight easily!

Eat high fat foods like bacon? Butter? Beef? Cheese? Heavy sauces? and lose weight at the same time? Find out My’s exact diet and training routine below, and follow My on her amazing Instagram account were she updates everyday!


Be Sure To Follow My Westerdahl On Her Social Media Here:


My Westerdahl Weight Loss Diet:

I follow a Ketogenic (keto) diet, so a typical day of eating would look like:

Breakfast: BulletProof Coffee (15g real butter + 2 tablespoon MCT-Oil mixed with 500ml of coffee).

Lunch: 200g Bacon with 200g butter fried cabbage.

Dinner: 200g Beef with 200g roasted veggies such as cauliflower, sugarsnap peas, with full fat sauces & paprika, spiced butter.


My Westerdahl Weight Loss Workout:

I did not workout when I had my max weight. I lost 40 kilos in one year just by sitting on the sofa, eating bacon. Now I started to workout, just heavylifting.

Monday: Legday
Tuesday: Chest + shoulders
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Back + biceps + triceps
Friday: Legday
Saturday: PowerWalk
Sunday: Rest

My workout consists of classic powerlifting exercises such as bench press, squats and bicep curls. I do 10 reps x 5 sets, with a longer break in between after 3 sets.


See Also
Jakelie George Weight Loss Transformation

My’s Example Meals From Instagram

Chilli Lime Marinated Pork with Roasted Carrot, Cauliflower, Mushrooms and Whiskey Sauce


Butterfly Pork Chop with Vegetables, Salad and Herb Butter


Sliced Ham and Raw Vegetables (tomatoes & cucumber)


Meal Prep – Chilli Lime Pork & Bacon With Stir Fried Vegetables, Nutmeg & Olive Oil


250g of Buttered Mushrooms, Bacon & Chilli Flakes


Check Out My’s Instagram: For More!


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