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Tanya Naghten – This Stunning Fitness Model Talks Training & Fitness With T&T

Tanya Naghten – This Stunning Fitness Model Talks Training & Fitness With T&T

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How Did You Get Started In Health And Fitness?

I first started 4 years ago, I always used to go gym, and eat reasonably healthy, but when I came to Melbourne, I got introduced to weight training, which is when I started to notice definition and shape to my body.

What Is Your Best Accomplishment So Far?

Cutting out alcohol and bad foods!


What Workout Routine Has Worked Best For You?


Sample Legs/Glute Workout

Leg Exstensions x4 – SuperSetting, starting heavy for as many reps then making the weight lighter and repping it out.
Hamstring Curls x4 – Starting heavy and working downs SuperSetting.
Walking Lunges – Either with dumbbells or a weighted plate, alternating sides.
Straight Leg Deadlifts 4 x 10 to 12 reps.

I love to train my legs as it gives them great shape and a firm bum!

Sample Back Exercises

Wide Grip Chin Ups – 10-12 reps x 3-4 Sets
Widegrip Lat Pull Downs – 4 SuperSetting starting heavy and then working down.


Top 3 Favourite Muscles To Workout?

Back because I love a strong, defined back with good shape. Legs because you get a firm bum and every body needs strong defined legs. Finally, Shoulders, when they are big and round they make your waist look smaller.

Favourite Form Of Cardio?

Stair Climber Or Interval Sprints.

What Is Your Diet Like?

For breakfast always Oats with a scoop of chocolate protein powder. Then every 2 to 3 hours, I will eat either grilled chicken, fish, steak or salmon with either broccoli and boiled eggs with out the yolk or salad or some times grilled veggies. I do allow a little salad dressings, like balsamic vinegar, and I season my meats!

Any Staple/Classic Healthy Meals That You Always Eat?

I love marinated salmon with salad.

What Supplements Do You Use?

I have just started using a pre work out supplement called superpump in watermelon flavour, just on the days I feel a little lathergic or tired, it works great, I feel like I can do so much more. It does get your heart rate up so obviously burning more fat which is great. I also use banana myofusion for my protein shake. I love the flavour, and it helps to build lean muscle.

What Are Your Tips For Success For Beginners?

I think if you are starting out with dieting, try not to think of it as a diet, and don’t expect results overnight. Eat small portions plan and prepare your food, so you’re not stuck to eat fast food. Drink heaps of water, it actually de-bloats you and is great for cleaning your system. Girls, don’t be afraid to use the weights, you will get great shape and definition, combined with the right diet, you will feel amazing.

What Is The Best Advice You Have Ever Been Given?

There is so much I have learned. I have met so many amazing people, but I think you just have to focus on what you want to achieve with your body and don’t let go of that dream, keep focused.

Did You Make Any Mistakes When You First Started Out?

I’m sure I did. With fitness you are always learning and always listening, and you have to figure out what works for you.

What’s Your Favourite Body Part?

I would probably say my abs or back.

Your Best Tips For Losing Those Last Few Pounds Of Stomach Fat?

With abs I think it really comes down to your diet, so the leaner and cleaner you eat the faster you will see results. So that means meats and lots of green veggies! I find high intestity cardio helps to shed fat! And I always change my ab routines using weighted plates, decline benches and normal crunches!

What’s Your Gym Playlist Like?

With my gym playlist, I always have it on shuffle. If I have a play list I know whats coming and get bored so shuffle is the way to go, some times its old school songs to new music.


Where Does Your Motivation Come From?

I just love being fit and healthy, eating clean food makes me feel so good. So it’s just a part of my life, I rarely go out clubbing, I think it’s a waste getting drunk and then feeling like crap. When I go to the gym and eat well, it makes me feel great!.

Favourite Fitness Models? Inspirations?

I would have to say Larrissa Reiss and Jamie Eason would be my two biggest inspirations.
For More On Tanya Check Out Here Facebook: Tanya Naghten
Photo Credits: Andrew K Photography.

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