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Timothy Roberts Interview: Amazing Weight Loss Transformation To Sponsored Fitness Model!

Timothy Roberts Interview: Amazing Weight Loss Transformation To Sponsored Fitness Model!

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How Did You Get Started In Fitness & Bodybuilding?

I had just finished graduating from school so I could know more about nutrition and began prepping girls for their show. A few close to me said that there was a new division called “Men’s Physiqye”. They all told me that I should do it and so I decided to give it a shot. Took 2nd at my first show and have been addicted ever since!

Was It Something You Were Always Interested In?

In the beginning the only reason I was in the fitness world was because I was a personal trainer. I later started modeling, running marathons, filming and really diving into the industry.


What Is Your Best Accomplishment So Far?

Losing almost 70lbs the right way.

Proudest Moment?

Finishing the LA Marathon after having to run through rain, 20mph winds and 55 degree temperature.

What Is It Like To Be A Sponsored Athlete?

It’s the most incredible privilege to promote the companies that sponsor me! I enjoy very much making sure the quality and advantage of using them all. Very blessed

What Is Your Workout Routine?

I am a very “by the book” lifter. I write everything down and really focus on making the most of every workout. Here is a breakdown of a typical week of training.

Monday – Chest/Upper Abs
Tuesday – Bicep/Tricep/Cardio
Wednesday – Legs/Calfs/Lower Abs
Thursday – Shoulders/Swimming
Friday – Back/Cardio/Obliques
Saturday – REST
Sunday – AM Cardio


Sample Leg Routine

Machine Squats for 5min
Walking Lunges – 100m x 3
Hack Squats – 10 x 5
(Super Set With)
Box Jumps – 10 x 5
Leg Ext – 7/7/7 x 3
(Perform 7 reps with each leg then 7 reps with both legs. Making sure to double weight from single)
Laying Leg Curl – Mega Drop Set! – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5
(Start with 100lbs and move pin down each set. So 10 with 100, 9 with 90 and so on)
Raging Bull Calf Press – 100 x 2


What Is A Typical Daily Diet?

My diet is typically all homemade, organic, fresh meals. All lean protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. The body is smart. So I feed it basic wholesome food so it knows and does its job the best it can. When you pollute your body with foreign ingredients. The body will take longer to perform. I love being in charge of my food and cooking.

You Have Undergone An Amazing Transformation! Could You Tell Us About That?

In 2008, I was 215lbs, had no job and more importantly no idea how to lose weight or what to do with my life. Having as much free time as I did. I began to visit the gym and figure it all out. When I first started, people would come up to me and tell me “hey dude, I think you may be working out for too long?”. My daily routine would consists of a grueling 4 hour workout involving the weights, cardio machines and sauna.

What Made You Decided To Make The Change?

I was at the River with some close friends and realized at the age of 22 I was in the worst shape of my life. Motivated by the fact I knew I had been thin before I decided then and there to start my journey.

Any Advice For Someone Who Wants To Lose The Weight Like You Did?

Just make sure to apply the right amount of Diet, Cardio and Strength. In the beginning I did no diet, lots of cardio and lifted too heavy. I realized very quickly it’s doing them all enough to lose weight, not kill yourself

What Do You Say When Someone Asks ‘How Can I Get A 6 Pack Like That’?

I would tell them to do a combo of both heavy low rep abs routines and light high rep routines to accomplish the look they want.

Top 3 Favourite Exercises And Why?

Kettle Pour (Shoulders) – this move caps off my Delts perfectly.
Bicycles – this move is responsible for a lot of the definition I have in my core.
Hack Squats – great for legs and even better for your Quads.

Favourite Form Of Cardio?

Marathons. I hate cardio equipment.

Any Staple/Classic Healthy Meals That You Always Eat?

I love a good piece of cooked fish with lemon and steamed veggies. The fresh flavor is unbeatable.

What Is Your Favourite Cheat Meal?

In-N-Out 4×4 Animal style with Animal style fries!

What Supplements Do You Use And Why?

I use all Pharmafreak Brand supplements! Not only because I’m a team athlete but because the ingredients are so precise. My results are insane with their product! The ones I use are:

Amino Freak – Anabolic Ratio of BCAA’s and L-Carntine
Ripped Freak Hybrid Fat Burner – one of the best thermos ever! Raspberry ketones inside are very efficient in burning fat.
Test Freak – a nighttime ZMA that boosts your natural testosterone.

What Are Your Tips For Success For Beginners?

Be neutral, polite and educate. When people apply simple tactics from you and get results; that’s when you become a great role model in the fitness world.

What Is The Best Advice You Have Ever Been Given?

I have always been told by people I look up to that if you keep seeing people of success where you go, then your doing something right

Did You Make Any Mistakes When You First Started Out?

OMG Yes! Lol when I originally started working out I would workout forever until my body said stop. Afterward doing the stereotypical sauna and cardio gauntlet! Now of course I am way more specific and precise with my method of training.

Your Best Tips For Losing Those Last Few Pounds?

I would say really listen to your body and properly taper your micros up and down so you can tune you physique. I know a few guys who do way too much cardio and should focus more on diet. They both are important.

Where Does Your Motivation Come From?

I wake up everyday with the drive and passion to positively influence as many people as I can. When I was losing my weight I made a promise to myself that I would educate everyone so they would never struggle as I did.

Favourite Bodybuilders?

I would have to say most of them are old school. So Tom Platz, Frank Zane, Arnold and Phil Heath


Without a doubt – Rob Riches, Scott Herman, Ammer The Hammer, Chady Dunmore and Jamie Eason

Favourite Quotes?

“If you don’t stand for something you will fall for everything”
“God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it into the nest”

Timothy Roberts Info:


    Competition History:
    2011 West Coast Classic – 2nd
    2011 LA Championships – 5th
    2011 NPC USA – 4th
    2011 NPC Miami – 15th
    2012 Iron Man Naturals – 2nd
    2012 West Coast Classic – 1st
    2012 NPC USA – 16th
    2012 NPC Excalibur – 5th

    Hometown: Orange County
    Gym: Fitness 1 Express

    Pharmafreak Tech
    Fierce Heart Clothing
    Ali’s All Natural


For More On Tim Please Visit:

Twitter: @BodiesByTim
Instagram: @BodiesByTim

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