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The Skinny Jeans Workout – Weight Loss Fat Burning Circuit!

The Skinny Jeans Workout – Weight Loss Fat Burning Circuit!

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This “Skinny Jeans” workout is designed to help you burn calories fast and help you lose fat and tone up in all the right places!

Combining lower body exercises like squats and lunges with more cardio focused, total body working exercises, like burpees and jumping jacks, this workout circuit will have you wearing your favourite pair of jeans with confidence!

Complete this workout, alongside enjoying a healthy, nutritious diet and you will be well on your way to a fitter and healthier body. It is important to complete all the exercises with the proper form to get the most out of this workout. Below is a breakdown of the workout and a description of how to complete all the exercises, you can also google the name of the exercises or youtube for video tutorials if you would like to see the exercises being demonstrated. You can share and save this workout on your favourite social media platforms!
The Skinny Jeans Workout - Weight Loss Fat Burning Circuit!

The Skinny Jeans Workout – Weight Loss Fat Burning Circuit!

The Skinny Jeans Workout - Weight Loss Fat Burning Circuit!

Skinny Jeans Workout Exercises

Jumping Squats


How To Perform Jumping Squats: Stand with your body neutral and relaxed, straight up, with your shoulders back, head facing forward and feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a regular squat then explosively jump up, raising your arms in the air. As you land, lower back down into a controlled, smooth squat position again to complete the rep. Land with your knees slightly bent and on the balls of your feet.



How To Perform A Lunge: Keep your body neutral and relaxed, straight up, with your shoulders back and head facing forward. Keeping your core engaged, step forward with your right leg, and lower your hips down until both knees are bent at a right angle (90-degrees). Lift yourself back into your starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.

Windshield Wipers


How To Perform Windshield Wipers: Lay on back, legs perpendicular to the ground and arms outstretched for support. Lower your legs to the right, twisting your hips, until they are just hovering above the ground. Lift back to starting position and over to the left side. Continue back and forth in a windshield-wiper motion.

Jumping Jacks


How To Perform Jumping Jacks: Stand with your body neutral and relaxed, straight up, with your shoulders back, head facing forward and feet together. Keep your arms by your sides. Jump while raising your arms over head and land with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Jump again and return your arms and legs back to the start position to complete one rep.



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How To Perform V-Sits: Start on the floor in a seated position with your knees bent and feet off the floor. With your arms out by your side, parallel to the floor, head neutral and back straight, slowly lower your upper and lower body back down towards the floor. Use your abs to return to the starting position, keeping your core fully engaged throughout the motion.



How To Perform Burpees: Stand with your body neutral and relaxed, straight up, with your shoulders back, head facing forward and feet shoulder-width apart. Drop into a squat position with your hands touching the floor. Kick your feet back, while keeping your hands on the floor and your arms extended. Kick your legs back up towards your hands and raise back up into the squat position before standing up fully. This is one complete rep.



How To Perform Squats: Stand with your body neutral and relaxed, straight up, with your shoulders back, head facing forward and feet shoulder-width apart. Engage your core and bend your knees by lowering your hips down, until your thighs are approximately parallel to the floor, keeping the weight on your heels. Rise back up, keeping your spine neutral, straightening your legs and squeezing your glutes at the end of the motion. During the exercise, you can hold your arms out in front of you or at your side.

Reverse Crunches


How To Perform Reverse Crunches: Lie with your back on the floor with your hands either behind your head, or by your side. Bring the knees up in towards the chest until they are bent at a right angle (roughly 90-degrees). Engage your abs, contracting them to curl your hips up off the floor and towards your upper body, extended your legs up towards the ceiling. Lower yourself back down into the starting position, keeping your feet from touching the floor. It is important to keep this motion smooth and controlled, and not to use momentum to swing your legs and hips up.

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