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Rae – Weight Loss Inspiration & Fitness Blogger’s Best Fat Loss Tips!

Rae – Weight Loss Inspiration & Fitness Blogger’s Best Fat Loss Tips!

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You Can Check Out Rae’s Full Interview With Us Here:

Fitness Blogger Rae’s Incredible 60lb Weight Loss Story, Guide & Interview!


Rae – Weight Loss Inspiration & Fitness Blogger’s Best Fat Loss Tips!

  • The beginning is always the hardest part, once you get that out of the way you’re on a good run!

  • Don’t restrict what you eat, eat better… not less.

  • Don’t think of yourself being on a diet – it’s a lifestyle change. The word ‘diet’ is unfortunately now related to restriction. If you feel you’re restricting yourself, your body will KNOW and it will want you to eat everything you can see to avoid risk of starvation, it’s part of human survival. You’re not on a diet, you’re looking after your body.

  • Food is the most important thing, don’t exhaust yourself by working out for hours then forgetting about making good food. Food is so important and exercise just helps you bob along faster.

  • Recipes! FIND THEM! They are everywhere and there are some amazing resources you can use. When you’re having a rubbish day and yes I did say ‘WHEN’… run or walk down to the shops, buy the ingredients and cook!

  • Be prepared to educate yourself, there is a lot of information available but it’s not commonly known. Do lots of research and put it into practice.

    Write down your goals, make yourself a motivation board, track what you’re eating, read the back of the packet and allow yourself room for set-backs. We need set-backs so we can learn from them.


  • Nobody can sell healthy eating in a bottle, don’t waste your time on products that will never give you what eating well and eating enough does.

  • Cravings will diminish if you give it enough time. Sugar is physically addictive so push through the first couple of weeks, you’ll find that you won’t crave so much.

  • If you’re hungry then EAT.

  • Don’t punish yourself or your body. Your body is your best friend, treat it well. It didn’t care about how your thighs looked this morning or whether you can fit into your old favourite dress, all it cared about was making sure your heart was still beating to allow you to wake and live another day.

  • Do something today. Whether you run a marathon or make the choice not to give up, do something to make your self proud. Whether you beat your personal best or you get outside and walk, remember that you are doing something which is forcing you forwards. That’s what matters.

  • Take your time, progress is progress and even if you’re standing still you’re not going backwards.

    Don’t hate yourself for having a three course meal with extra ice cream/chocolate. Hell, don’t hate yourself for eating a six course meal! The only way you are ever going to succeed is if you accept what has happened, learn from it and make a better decision next time. Me hating myself after I had a burger? I ate another one fairly soon after cause I felt negative about myself and my choices. Accepting I made that decision, it wasn’t gonna be detrimental to my progress, it tasted good and I probably wouldn’t remember even having one by tomorrow? I felt better so in turn I ate better

    See Also


  • Love yourself as you are and love every bit of what you will become!

  • Surround yourself with supportive, positive people.

  • Keep in mind what you want most. This is ALL of the time. Wherever you are. If you glance in the mirror, imagine how that will look in 6 months time. Your goals and targets need to be in the forefront of your mind, keep building it up and then you’ll get to the point where you won’t look back.

  • I have fallen in the water COUNTLESS times but I never let myself drown. Don’t doubt yourself. None of this ‘I’m so unfit, I’m so outta breath when I run so what’s the point’ I COULDN’T run, I was the most pathetic runner you have ever seen, but that is not the point. Every second that you try, every minute you spend on yourself and every healthy hour that you count… you are closer than you were before. You’ve had a bad day? Yep, we all do.. we need those days in order to know what the good ones feel like.

  • Ignore the scale, the scale measures a lot more than just body fat and far too many people let it beat them down. You cannot gain 2lbs in a day, accept water fluctuation and don’t take the scales so seriously, measure yourself and TAKE PHOTOS!

  • You’re great as you are right now, you’re gonna have to keep reminding yourself of that and that you’re about to get even greater!

  • Never give up

    For More OF Rae Please Visit:

    You can check out my blog which includes tips, food posts and motivation at

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