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How Powerlifter Adrienne Osuna Completely Transformed Her Body While Only Dropping 2 Pounds!

How Powerlifter Adrienne Osuna Completely Transformed Her Body While Only Dropping 2 Pounds!

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You Can Check Out Adrienne On Her Social Media Here:

Instagram: @adrienneosuna

Adrienne transformed her body with a series of diet and training guidelines which she lists on her Instagram. She wants to make an important point, that wha the scale shows doesn’t always matter and it’s about how you look and feel.

“Tell me again why we rely so much on the scale to measure success? #transformationtuesday In inches‼️ So glad I didn’t stop when the scale stopped. Please Read:

I lift heavy things 4x a week I do fasted cardio (brisk walking) 2x a week.
I do intermittent fasting (overnight for 15 hours) 5-6x a week.
I focus on hitting protein (140g ish a day) stop relying on the scale to keep your motivation going. Just keep going‼️.
I have details all about what I did to get where I am, how I eat, my journey from my heaviest, and two of my lifting programs in my ebook. Link.

Edit: the comments are unreal you guys YES REALLY 2 lbs. I lost fat, and gained muscle through heavy lifting and intermittent fasting. The scale is only a number it doesn't determine if weight is fat or muscle. my ebook (link in bio) has my whole story and what I did and two of my lifting routines. . . Ughhh you guys, I've been getting so many tags and messages from people saying they've seen this pic in groups or on Instagram pages claiming I used Plexus, waist trainers, wraps ect. It's super frustrating that people would steal my pic and claim I used products I didn't use and NOT tag me in them. I will be using annoying watermarks now.. but if you see any pls let me know. Also, I love you all for following me and supporting me, your encouragement yesterday made me tear up! And thank you all for sticking up for me when people hate. It means the world. ❤️ Anyone just seeing this pic for the first time yes only TWO pounds. It's body recomposition, lost fat and gained muscle. I share these so ladies know the scale is JUST A NUMBER. I lift heavy 4 days a week, and I do intermittent fasting. I have two of my lifting routines in my ebook, the link on my bio, also lots of info on what I did in my ebook Keep going, lift weights!! Eat lots of good food! Don't starve yourself!xoxo . . . . . . . . . . #weightlossjourney #momsthatlift #powerlifting #eattoperform #iifym #allthefood #bodybuilding #strongmom #flexibledieting #squats #fitnessjourney #strongwoman #girlswithmuscle #girlswhopowerlift #dietingsucks #fitbit #fitfam #bodypositivity #powerliftingbuiltthisbody #deadlifts #liftheavythings #intuitiveeating #bodybuildinglife #gymislife #progressnotperfection #beforeandafterweightloss #powerlifter #beyondthescale #nsv #heavylifting

A post shared by ↠a d r i e n n e o s u n a↞ (@adrienneosuna) on

Adrienne explains that people can’t believe there is only a 2 pound difference on the scale, but notes that it is body recomposition and losing fat and gaining muscle (which takes up less room on the body) balances each other out.

See Also

“Yes 2 lbs between these pics! Body recomposition! ✨ I have lost 64 lbs. I lost 62 lbs over and over and kept losing and gaining weight by eating low calories and doing tons of cardio. I was in a terrible yo-yo lose/gain binge cycle. I finally got so fed up with that cycle that I said “FORGET THE SCALE and dieting” and I started lifting, cutting back on cardio, started intuitive eating, added in intermittent fasting, and counting my protein only! I didn’t log my food for about a year and a half and here is the results of that (pictured!) the scale barely moved but I went from a size 16 on the left to a 8/10 on the right.”

“After all that time of not tracking and gaining a healthy relationship with food I recently started tracking again (but eating much more this time)! Why am I tracking? Because I’m not quite where I want to be yet. That doesn’t mean I’m not happy with my body now I’m super proud of how far I’ve come.”

“I was interviewed by a journalist the other day and she asked me what my main motivation for sharing my journey was. And it’s this! That this is Body Recomposition and That the scale isn’t the best measure of success! And I want ladies to know that lifting will do so much good for your body and health!! No surgery or products! Yes only 2 lbs but from a size 16 to an 8/10!! I was tired of cardio and yo-yo dieting. I started lifting, eating, and intermittent fasting and I’ve never felt better and never been stronger”

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