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MyGirlishWhims Rebecca Grafton Lost 104 Pounds With This Exact Diet!

MyGirlishWhims Rebecca Grafton Lost 104 Pounds With This Exact Diet!

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Rebecca Grafton aka MyGirlishWhims started her weight loss journey at over 250 pounds. She organised a trip to Jamaica and knew that she would look back on her time with regret if she went at the size she was at.

This target provided a new level of motivation for Rebecca and she overhauled her diet and training regime to start getting in the best shape of her life.

Below, Rebecca detailed her entire weight loss regime to DrOz, the diet plan that she used to shed over 100 pounds of fat and the style of training which works best for her.

Be Sure To Follow Rebecca Grafton On Her Instagram Here: @MyGirlishWhims

For Rebecca, it was the prospect of looking back with regret on her holiday photos that caused her to want to make a positive change in her life.

“I had gotten so heavy that I stopped being able to recognize myself in photos. I booked a vacation to Jamaica in May of 2014 and didn’t want to look back on the pictures from my trip and not be able to remember how much fun I had because all I could see was how fat I was.”

Rebecca had tried many times to lose weight before, but with results not coming as fast as she’d like, she often quit them quite quickly and would pile even more weight back on.

“Like any girl, I had tried to diet countless times before. Eventually I would screw up and decide to just throw in the towel. The one thing that changed this time around was I decided to always stay committed to getting back on track no matter how many times I screwed up.”

It was that decision to stay committed which really helped her on her weight loss journey and she started to see real weight loss results for the first time. Recommitting at the start of every single week.

Deciding to start every Monday fresh. There were many, many weekends along my journey where I ate more than I should have, but I never let a weekend off track prevent me from starting over and recommitting every week.”

Rebecca had to overhaul her diet and instead of turning to unhealthy, fast food options, she learned how to cook and prepare healthy meals for herself. This simple change helped to massively cut down her daily calorie intake.

“I had to change the types of foods I cooked as well as learn portion control. I learned how to make food taste good without coating it in cheese or cooking it with heavy cream. I also learned how to use fresh ingredients and seasonings to make real food taste good.”

Rebecca Grafton’s Typical Daily Diet

Breakfast: “My breakfast normally involves an egg white scramble with spinach and sautéed Brussels sprouts topped with low-fat cheese and some kind of carb as a side, like toast or an English muffin.”

Lunch: “Lately I’ve been making big salads with mango salsa, chicken strips, and a Greek yogurt dressing.”

Dinner: “There’s a lot of variety when it comes to my dinners, but they normally involve lean protein like chicken with veggies. I like to bake chicken that’s topped with goat cheese and apples and serve it with a side of garlic roasted Brussels sprouts, or make fish tacos with baked tilapia and serve it with a cabbage slaw and Greek yogurt lime cream.”

Snack: “I snack on protein bars, Greek yogurt, turkey jerky, and fresh fruit.”

After Rebecca got her diet sorted, she turned her attention to working out. Exercising was tough at the start, but after changing her mindset to it, things became much easier.

“It was hard. I remember my rolls jiggling along with me as I ran on the treadmill and Jillian Michaels screaming at me when I woke up early on Friday mornings before work to struggle through one of her workout videos. It was hard at the beginning, but it eventually got easier. It’s gotten to the point now that exercise isn’t a chore. It’s something I genuinely enjoy doing.”

Little by little, a little becomes a lot and Rebecca traded being unable to run for a minute, to building up to run two had marathons and be able to run for over 10 miles without stopping.

“I went from being a 246-pound girl who couldn’t even run for 30 seconds straight to being able to run 10 miles without stopping. I was very slow in the beginning, but now I’ve completed two half marathons.”

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Focusing on herself and her own enjoyment also meant that she was able to attend classed and workouts while getting the most out of them.

“I found a workout I enjoyed and decided to just say “screw it” and not care what others thought. I went to a ton of Zumba classes when I first started working out. I wasn’t the most coordinated in the class and I certainly wasn’t the most fit, but it was a workout I enjoyed. I got a great calorie burn and didn’t worry about what other people in class were thinking about me — I just shook my booty and had a good time.”

Rebecca switches up her workout routine to keeps things fun and interesting. It’s important to her to try and do something active every day.

“I try to work out every day if possible, so I like to switch things up. I run twice a week — one long run — around 10 miles — and one shorter run. I go to a weekly barre class every Friday and go to the gym around 3 times a week to do cardio and some weight machines. I also do some workout DVDs at home.”

Staying motivated is a massive part of your weight loss success and Rebecca found that focusing on her long term success was the key to staying inspired throughout.

“Sometimes turning down the pizza at the office really sucks, but so does being 246 pounds and crying in a dressing room when size 18 pants won’t fit anymore. I had to decide what was worth it: temporary splurges, or making sacrifices for a healthy lifestyle.”

Rebecca advises others to keep it simple when it comes to weight loss.

“At the end of the day, weight loss is very basic. There’s no secret formula and no hidden pill that’ll make you skinny. If you eat right and exercise, you’ll lose weight. It may not happen as fast as you’d like, but if you stick to a healthy living plan long enough, you’ll see results. Keep it simple and stay dedicated long enough to see change.”

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