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Lindsey Rae Talks Losing 15lbs In 3 Weeks & Her 120lb Weight Loss Journey!

Lindsey Rae Talks Losing 15lbs In 3 Weeks & Her 120lb Weight Loss Journey!

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Lindsey Rae was over 280lbs, depressed, eating whatever she wanted and couldn’t see a way out of this damaging cycle. After finally taking a new years resolution seriously, she lost 15lbs in the first 3 weeks and got addicted to seeing the number on the scale go down and feeling healthier!

Since that resolution, Lindsey has completely transformed her life and become a massive inspiration for thousands online, losing 120lbs, sticking to a healthy diet and weightlifting routing and ran over 22 5K races the start of 2015!

Lindsey talks us through exactly how she lost the weight, her diet and workout plan, as well as some questions that provide even more insight into her amazing journey! Read on to find out more.


Be Sure To Follow Lindsey Rae On Her Social Media Here:

Instagram: @livinghealthy_lindseyrae

Lindsey Rae’s Weight Loss Diet

A typical day of eating for me would be:

Breakfast: Oatmeal & Fruit.
Lunches: Salad and/or Turkey Sandwich.
Dinner: I try to incorporate a vegan feel to my dinners. Lots of veggies!

I went to Pinterest and typed in healthy vegan meals and I have made a lot of meals off there. I also found myself a vegan cookbook that had easy recipes. I love SIMPLE things so anything that isn’t complicated!


Weight Loss Workout:

I started off in the beginning just walking around the block and then I started interval running using C25K app. I then started lifting using the free workout plans. I did the Lee Labrada plan starting out. I also have done Kris Gethin routine. I started running a lot more also.

To date I have completed around 22 5k races since Jan 2015 and I am currently training for my first half marathon in November! Crazy, because I never ran and believed that it was impossible for me to! For workout routines, in general, I try to incorporate at least 30-40 minutes of lifting and 35-40 of cardio.

Lindsey Rae’s Interview


Before Stats: 282lbs. 5’5. 50+% After Stats: 160lbs. 5’5. 25%.

What Was Your Diet Like Originally?

I literally ate anything I wanted. There were no limits for me. I would eat until I felt sick sometimes. Pasta was my biggest problem. I could eat it literally at every meal.


What Made You Start Getting Healthy?

It was kind of like a new years resolution but one I actually stuck to this time instead of talking about it. Once I weighed myself after 3 weeks in and had lost 15 pounds it really became a game changer and I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to keep seeing that number go down. That was a really big motivator to me.


What Was Your Mindset Like Before Compared To Now?

I really think about everything that I’m putting into my body. I have to live with this body so I want it to be the healthiest it can be. Before I would always think about being thinner and wanting it to happen. I just needed to put in the work. You can ask anyone that knew me before if it required any physical activity you could count me out. Now I love working out. I love that self satisfying feeling after. I can not even imagine going back to the way things were before the weight loss.


See Also

What Small Changes Do You Think Had The Biggest Impact?

Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity in and also limiting dairy products. Dairy can be really fattening and cutting a bunch of that out and switching to healthier versions or vegan versions I believe really helped.

How Did You Stay Motivated?

As I said before, seeing my hard work pay off. I loved seeing those numbers on the scale go down and being able to fit into smaller clothes. I actually like going shopping now. Before I dreaded it and it would ruin my entire day, causing me to become depressed.


Were There Any Particular Tough Points On Your Journey?

My roughest points were probably in the beginning and having to ween myself off all the junk I was putting into my body. Not letting myself give into temptation. As of now, I wouldn’t say the roughest but I’ve been at a plateau now for months. No matter what I do I can not seem to get the scale to go down. I know it’s not always by the scale but it would be nice to walk into a doctors office and have them tell me I’m not overweight. I just have to tell myself I’ve come this far, I’m not giving up now. Just keep pushing through.

What Advice Would You Give Someone Looking To Lose Weight?

The hardest part to your own weight loss journey is starting the journey itself. That’s the toughest part. Once you get a set plan, start, and get into a rhythm, you are golden.


What Are Your Favourite Healthy/Weight Loss Recipes?

I love tofu so maybe some roasted veggies with tofu and rice noodles or brown rice. I also love veggies soups or a good vegan chili. They are super quick and you can even make them in the crockpot and be set all week.

Any Advice/Tips On Prepping Meals In Advance? How Do You Do It?

Get a menu together! Sit down before going to the grocery store and get some recipes together and write down the ingredients so your not wondering aimlessley through the grocery store. Meal prepping on a Sunday is good so you have everything ready for the week, so you know everyday what you will be eating and there is no guessing or wondering eyes in the pantry.


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