Julianna Young Lost Over 80lbs After Some Devastating Moments In Her Life!

Trimmed&Toned Team.
“The combination of my husband leaving and my father passing left me in shambles. I turned to food as my source of comfort. I decided I didn’t care if I died due to obesity complications. It was inevitable, right? Armed with the belief that it truly didn’t matter, and ate my feelings away. Two years later, around January of 2016, I had finally found my happy self again.
I was at peace with myself and embraced my body as it was. My happy self decided my ex didn’t get to dictate how I felt about myself. My happy self realized I didn’t want to go the way my sweet Dad did. I wanted to live. I’m now down 80lbs and counting…and living!”
Julianna Young’s Social Media
Instagram: @juliannajanayoung
Twitter/Periscope: @jana_young
Snapchat: @jyballerina
Julianna Young Weight Loss Diet:
Eating Goals (set with my doctor):
1. Get at least 90g of protein a day: This was the amount suggested by my doctor. I supplement Premier Protein shakes to help.
2. Eat when you’re hungry (even if that’s all the time!)
3. No carbonation (it expands your stomach and makes you hungry.)
4. No sugar
5. Complex carbs
Premier Protein Shake (30g protein)
Late Morning:
Oatmeal w/unflavored ISOPURE Protein Powder (10g)
Fruit of choice
Cottage cheese
Fruit of choice
½ Turkey sandwich (10g)
1 slice wheat bread
Late Afternoon:
Cheddar cheese cubes (7g)
Early Evening:
½ Grilled chicken breast (25g)
½ c Brown rice (cooked)
Premier Protein Shake (If hungry or haven’t had enough protein that day.)
100% Apple Juice Slush
Other typical foods:
Soups (high protein and low sugar.)
Julianna Young Weight Loss Workout:
I started by walking however long I would walk. If it was 5 minutes, at least I went. Over time, I started pushing myself a little farther. I walked once a day for several months. Around the 3rd month, I started adding Pilates in the evening. After that, I started lifting weights. But the most important thing is that I went at my pace and applauded myself for every effort I made. I walk every day; sometimes I listen to a book and walk for over an hour. Sometimes I walk my dog around the block and that’s it. But the important thing is I get up and move.
Typical Week:
Morning: Walk (however long I want!)
Mid-day: Stretch 5-10 mins
Evening: Pilates
Morning: Walk
Mid-day: Stretch 5-10 mins
Evening: Weights/Squats
Morning: Walk
Mid-day: Stretch 5-10 mins
Evening: Pilates
Morning: Walk
Mid-day: Stretch 5-10 mins
Evening: Weights/Squats
Morning: Walk
Mid-day: Stretch 5-10 mins
Evening: Pilates
Sat: Walk
Sun: Walk
Julianna Young Interview:
Before Stats: 33/5’7/230lbs/33% | After Stats: 33/5’7/149lbs/25%
What Was Your Diet Like Originally?
I would label myself a sugar addict. A lot of soda, ice cream, pizza, cookies…it gave me that sugar high. I ate anything and everything.
What Made You Start Getting Healthy?
My beloved father passed away very suddenly. His heart was weak from a lifetime of extreme weight loss and weight gain cycles. I decided I wanted to change the way I approached food and how I felt about it.
What Small Changes Do You Think Had The Biggest Impact?
Honestly, the journaling and personal exploration of why I ate what I ate. I explored why I felt panicked and deprived when I was told I couldn’t have something. I paid attention to how I felt before and after eating sugar, and faced the fact that I was addicted to it. Once I faced those tough subjects, it was much easier to make better choices. I knew how the original choices were hurting me emotionally and mentally, not just physically.
How Did You Stay Motivated?
By applauding myself for every “long-life” choice, and not being upset about the “short-life” choices I made. If I had ice cream, I didn’t punish myself; I examined why I ate it. Was I hungry? Was I lonely? Did the ice cream actually help? What would be more effective next time? Exploring my thought process made the process about personal, permanent growth; not weight loss.
Were There Any Particular Tough Points On Your Journey?
The first month without sugar and carbonation was torture. It was awful. I felt hungry all the time (part of the sugar detox process…your body is trying to make you eat sugar…,) I felt grumpy, and because it had been my go-to for all feelings, I was having to deal with issues I had previously ignored. After the first month to month and a half, my body accepted the changes and I started experiencing a new energy I hadn’t felt before. I wanted to move more. I slept better. I woke up earlier. My body was waking up from its self-induced sugar coma. It was pretty cool.
What Advice Would You Give Someone Looking To Lose Weight?
Don’t make it about weight. Weight and body image are the worst reasons. Make it about freedom of mind and body. Find out why you do what you currently do, and be brave enough to change the way you have always handled things.
What Are The Most Common Questions People Ask When They See Your Incredible Change?
Do you have loose skin? A little, but I drank a lot of water. My doctor advised me that would help prevent it.
What do you eat? Protein. Besides that, it’s what I don’t eat (sugar/carbonation) that matters.
What Are Your Favourite Healthy/Weight Loss Recipes?
I love making apple juice slush. I have an ice cream machine, and I just put apple juice in it. It’s my favorite frozen treat.
How Do You Feel After Completing Such An Amazing Transformation?
I’m grateful for my body and all the amazing stuff it does. It’s going to be with me every step of the way, and I appreciate it more. It’s got me through a lot, and no matter what size, it’s always been trying to protect me. I’m now trying to do better at protecting it in return. I firmly believe that you need to love yourself first, and lose weight second. Otherwise, no matter how much weight you lose, you will never be happy. Make it a personal, emotional journey; not just a physical one.
It’s very important to know that I had Vertical Gastric Sleeve. However, I did not have the surgery until after I had addressed my emotional issues and decided I was willing to eat differently for the rest of my life. Surgery is a tool, not a fix. People who have surgery and continue to eat sugar/drink soda will not see results. If they were not emotionally prepared for the “break-up” with their favorite foods, they will go back to them. The idea that with surgery someone will magically lose weight without effort is a fallacy. My key to my success has been that I made an emotional commitment to change inside and out. Being so committed has made my results almost 3x what someone with surgery would usually see in this amount of time. Please don’t discount my work and my results because I had surgery. If anyone were to eat and workout the way I do, they would see results. If they decided to go on the emotional journey I did, they would change their life.

Trimmed&Toned Team.