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Ingrid Romero – Top Fitness Model, Bikini Pro Champion & Team Edge Founder Talks With T&T

Ingrid Romero – Top Fitness Model, Bikini Pro Champion & Team Edge Founder Talks With T&T

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How Did You Get Started In Health And Fitness?

I have a friend who has competed for years. She talked me into doing a competition. I started working with my husband that is also my trainer and changed my eating habits. I loved the way my body responded so I stepped on stage in my first show in October 2010 feeling great and the rest is history!

What Is Your Best Accomplishment So Far?

What I am most proud of is what I have accomplished off the stage. My personal life, goals and dreams are all right where I want them to be. My baby boys Gianni and Nicco and my husband Joe Discuillo are my biggest accomplishment! Family over anything!

In my career my best accomplishments are:

I have a team of bikini competitors that I coach with my husband Joe, TEAM EDGE!!!! Keep an eye out for these girls… we are the fastest growing competition team in the NPC/IFBB! Check out our website: there is lots going on so keep your eyes open 🙂

The launch of my first book: Ingrid Romero’s BodyAfterBaby!

My new Ingrid Romero Competition Bikini line (I make them right in my own home)

I am also revamping my website and it will be up in a few weeks. There will be tons of new content (workout videos, members, forums, blog, clothing line etc) you can subscribe now at for the moment you can visit my blog at

You can find me at all fitness expo Olympia, Arnold etc and all Jon Lindsay shows included the National USA’S where we have a booth with all of my Ingrid Romero clothing/competition bikinis etc.

Nothing has come easy its been a lot of hard work behind the scenes!!!! HARD WORK ALWAYS WINS!

What Is It Like Competing?

I used to think why do I put myself through this? It’s because I love it. I just love the competitions. I love to set and reach goals. And I love doing something that keeps me healthy and fit. But I couldn’t do this alone. I have friends and family who love and support me, and I love them too. They are my rock. I am so lucky to have them in my life.

I don’t compete anymore as I am a fully dedicated to my team EDGE athletes. I co founded the Team with my husband. I competed in several bikini shows including the Arnold in 2011 and I won the overall in all my shows so I felt it was time to move on to my next adventure and give back to the support and help other athletes accomplish their dreams!

Here is my competition history:

  • NPC Border States Classic, Oct 2010, 1st place and Overall Winner
  • NPC Excalibur Championships, Dec 2010, 1st place and Overall Winner
  • Rock star-bikini online contest, Jan 2011, 1st place
  • Vitrix model search online contest, Feb 2011, 1st place
  • Arnold Classic, March 2011, 1st place and Overall Winner
  • NPC Titans Grand Prix, October 2011, 1st place and Overall Winner


You Co-Founded ‘Team Edge’ Tell Us About That & Your Best Experiences With The Team?

I remember when I first started in this industry and I had no Idea what I was doing. I reached out to several Pro Bikini competitors and not one of them got back to me. I told my husband if I ever succeeded in this industry I was going to give back. I was going to be there for those girls that were in my shoes with not knowing what to do. So this is how Team Edge started. My husband and I want to help girls succeed not only on the stage but in their fitness career. We strive to have a personal relationship with each and every member.

Top 3 Favourite Exercises And Why?

The first exercise would be Squats/Lunges. I love working my legs and glutes and for me I get the best results from Squats.

The Second would be incline ab bench with weight because I love the results you get if you stick with it.

I also like to work my legs because I love the feeling of weights but I have to say I love it all and my husband constantly changes my workouts. We obviously do a lot of lifting in the gym, but we mix it up a lot with plyometric in the sand and track workouts.

Favourite Form Of Cardio?

I do from 20 to 30 minutes of intense cardio 5 to 6 days a week. Quite honestly, I eat very clean and never cheat so I don’t have to do as much Cardio. I would rather eat cleaner than do more cardio. I like the stair mill and elliptical. The cardio that I do most would have to be the stair mill.

What Is Your Diet Like?

I eat about 2000 calories five to six meals a day (about two and a half to three hours apart) consisting of lean protein such as chicken, fish, turkey, or egg whites and slow digesting carbs, such as oatmeal and sweet potatoes. I also eat lots of fresh veggies to help fill me up and add fiber so everything very clean no sugar, limited salt, limited dairy and nothing too high in sodium.

Example of my diet:

Breakfast: ½ oatmeal and 4 egg whites, 1 whole egg
Snack: protein shake, fruit and almonds
Lunch: 6 oz of chicken breast and sweet potato
Snack: 4oz lean protein, ½ cup brwn rice
Snack: 2 salt free rice cakes with natural peanut butter or almond butter
Dinner: 6oz fish, asparagus, sweet potato

Ingrid Romero Fitness Model

What Supplements Do You Use?

I am big fan of Isagenix supplements because there all 100% natural, organic supplements, chemical free and is the wiser choice to ensure proper nutrition and no toxic ingredients

  • Protein powder ISAPRO: use a protein powder that is high in fiber, protein and essential fats
  • Essentials Multi-Vitamin: to promote over-all good health and nutrition. To give your body the added nutrients that you may not be getting enough of through food.
  • Energy supplements, e+ shot!: not everyone needs this, but if I need a bit of help before working out after a long day of work I use it
  • Natural Accelerator -Carefully selected thermogenic ingredients naturally enhance the body’s fat-burning ability without the shaky feeling you get from stimulants.
  • IsaFlush!- sometimes if I get a cheat meal or Im retaining water due to hormonal changes, I take IsaFlush! effectively and safely improves digestion, encourages regularity and helps soothe intestinal discomfort
  • ISAGENIX GREENS!—A superior blend of the highest-quality nutrient-rich plants.
  • CLEANSE FOR LIFE—A complete, nutritional whole-body cleanse that aids the body’s natural ability to remove impurities.


What Are Your Tips For Success For Beginners?

Being a successful fitness model is a lot of work and you have to be proactive. You can’t sit back and wait for things, you have to go out and get it yourself. Most importantly you can’t be a DIVA! I strive on being easy to work with and always being helpful and approachable to others. I truly believe there is enough room in this industry for all of us. I am the first person to lend a hand in anything I can you just have to ask

How Do You Recover From Set Backs?

We all have obstacles in fitness, specially since becoming a mom of twins. The main thing we need to focus on is being consistent and not giving up.

What Is The Best Advice You Have Ever Been Given?

Here is some helpful tips on how to fit everything in your schedule:

  • Map out a Daily game plan. If you have a plan you will be more likely to succeed!
  • Try your best to have a consistent routine!
  • Call on a support system. (your husband, family or friend)
  • Time Management
  • Get workouts in where you can.. (running with your baby, workout at home when they nap etc.)
  • Take one day and Prepare food for the week. This will cut down on the amount of time you would be cooking daily
  • Last but not least make sure to make time for your spouse.. Maybe a date night every other week!

I know this is all easier said than done and being a working mom can takes its tole on you, but it can be done and it is so gratifying.. Just make sure you do sit back every now and then and enjoy the process 🙂

What’s Your Favorite Exercises For Developing That ‘Booty’?

My Gluteus!!!:) I have always had big glutes. I have worked extremely hard to keep them firm and tight though. When doing my cardio I do different techniques to target the back side. I will do the elliptical for 20 minutes. I do 3 minutes at 10 incline and a 12 resistance and then the next 3 minutes I will do a 15 incline at a 15 resistance. Increasing the incline really targets my glutes and hamstrings. I also do lots of plyometrics. I do this to try to keep the athletic tone look and not just a big muscular look. My Plyo’s consist of running stairs, leap frogs, jump squats etc. I will switch it up a bit and do the plyo’s in the sand. This really gets the legs and is a great workout. When lifting weights I do lots of Squats, lunges, leg press etc. I stick to doing 3-5 sets and anywhere from 12 to 25 reps depending on the day and how heavy I’m lifting.

Your Best Tips To Getting Into Contest Shape/Losing Those Last Few Pounds?

PLAN PLAN PLAN!!! and trust me I am no super woman.. You guys can do it too. It is all about setting yourself up for success. Map out a plan and stick to the plan the best you can. I know being a parent there is curve balls thrown at you everyday, but you do the best you can with what you have. For example. I still prep all my meals on Sunday nights for the week. This helps keeping me on track with my food. I set my schedule and do most of my work early in the mornings, when my babies take a nap (hopefully they nap at the same time) or late at night when they go to bed. Some nights I go to bed at 3 am and I am up again at 6 to feed my babies. Where there is a will there is a way. You must have a support team as well.

My husband is my support system.. We work very well together with our business and with raising the boys so I am very lucky. We travel a ton for work and my boys come with us almost everywhere we go. I was told by a client before my babies were born ” your kids need to fit into your life, don’t fit into theirs” this is something that stuck with me and helped me a lot. The only way I can continue to do what I do is if my boys fit into what I do. It is very hard at times, but I get the best of both worlds. I have my babies with me all the time (I get to watch them grow) and I can still follow my passion and dreams.

With all that said, I am not saying this is an easy task, but if you want something bad enough you will work for it.. I work my tail off everyday raising my boys and trying to juggle my career.. My biggest piece of advise is make sure you don’t forget about you and your spouse! Take time to enjoy each other. Take a night off from worrying about work, get a sitter and have a date night. I promise this will rejuvenate you and give you that energy you need to go back and push even harder.. Being a mommy is bar far the most challenging career a woman will have but it is so worth every sleepless night and stressful moment..

Give Your Best 3 Health Tips That People Can Implement Instantly:

Work hard in the gym and even harder in the kitchen..

Three words I use:

  • Persistent
  • Patient
  • Perspiration

If you follow these three words you will be good…

Funniest Moment In The Gym?

I am a complete knucklehead and jokester outside of the gym, but I am all business in the gym. I truly cant think of a funny moment in the gym

Favourite Fitness Models?

My husband and trainer Joe Discuillo! He played competitive sports his entire life, has an amazing career in health and fitness and has been a trainer for more than 14 years. Me and my team EDGE girls will not be where we are without him! he is our rock!

Favourite Quote?

The difference between “can” and “cannot” is only three letters that determine your life’s direction
Which direction do you choose?

For More OF Ingrid Check Out

    Please check out my new website:
    Subscribe to my blog:

    Ingrid’s Social Media:

    Facebook Fanpage: IngridRomero1985
    Facebook Profile: IngridRomero23
    Youtube: IngridRomero1985
    Twitter: IngridRromero1
    Instagram: IngridRomero1

    I just want to say thank you to trimmedandtoned for this opportunity and a HUGE thank you to all my fans out there. I am so blessed to be in this position of helping and inspiring people to live a healthy and fit lifestyle.

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