Fitness Model & Owner Julie Bonnett’s Workout & Diet Plan

January 10, 2013

Trimmed&Toned Team.
Jewels’ Workout
I always begin my workouts with 12 arm circles forward/backward, side bends, hamstring, trap and lat stretches. This helps me pinpoint any irritations and ensure I am not scheduled to train a bodypart that is still recovering from my last session. It also gives me a few minutes to blast my music and being to pump myself up for my workout.
Julie Bonnett’s Workout Routine
Day 1 – Priority Day
- 20/15/15/10/8 x Leg Press (Push through heels)
- 12/side x 4 sets Single Leg Machine Curls, SuperSet with 20 Bosu Squats
- 12-15 x 4 sets Leg Extensions, SS with 15 Pop Squats
- 8-12 x 4 sets Prone Leg Curls, SS with 15 Pop squats
- 30 steps x 3 sets Walking Lunges, SS with DBs, SS 20 Machine Abduction
- 15 x 3 sets Standing Calves, SS with 30 BB Glute Hip Thrusts
- Cardio: Stepmill x 30-40 mins stopping to rock 20 Pop Squats every 5 minutes & top up cardio to reach 2 hrs EVERY day with spin, plyos, outdoor cycling or rollerblading.
Day 2 – Shoulder & Core
- 15-20 x 2 sets of Machine Shoulder Press
- 12 x 3 sets Arnold Press, SS with Seated Reverse DB Flyes
- 15 x 3 sets Standing Cable Face Pulls, SS Plate Steering Wheels
- 15-20/side x 4 sets Single Arm Reverse Cable Flyes, SS with Handstand Push-ups or Handstand Plank and Bicycle Crunches x 60
- 15-20 x 4 sets Cable Crunches, SS with Ball Crunches, Oblique Twists on Decline
- Bent Arm DB Lateral Raises, dropset x 2, SS with Roman Chair Leg Raises, Bicycles Crunches x 60
Day 3 – Back & Arm
- <12 x 2 sets Neutral Grip Chin-ups
- 12 x 3 sets Hammerstrength Machine Pulldowns, SS with 21s with BB, Close Grip BB Military Press (Hinge Press)
- 12/side x 3 sets Single Arm Cable Row, SS with Double Tricep Kickbacks, Alternating DB Curls
- 12 x 3 sets Straight Arm Pressdowns, SS with DB Preacher Curls, Dips
- 8-12 x 3 sets Seated Cable Row, SS with Concentration Curls, Rope Pressdowns
Day 4 – Lower Body (Hamstraing/Glute Priority)
- 15/12/12/8/8 BB Squats, SS with 30-60 sec Run on Spot & 10 Pop Squats
- 12/12/8/6 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts, SS with 30 BB Glute Hip Thrusts, 60 Bodyweight Squats
- 15-20 x 3 sets Good Mornings, SS with Prone Leg Curls
- Seated Leg Curls 8-12 rep range, SS with Plie Squats or Calves
- Abductor Machine x 30 reps, 3 sets, short rest between sets
- Standing Calves SS with Glute Kickbacks
- Leg Extensions
Day 5 – Chest/Shoulders/Triceps/Core
- BB Bench, SS with Knee-Pull in on the Bench x 25
- DB Shoulder Press, SS with Standing Reverse DB Flyes and Crunches on Floor
- Standing Reverse Cable Flyes, SS with Wall Handstand Planks or Handstand Push-ups
- Rope Pressdowns, Ss with Tricep Push-ups
- Tricep Isolation Machine
- Roman Chair Leg Raises x 12, then 6 with knees only up, SS with Back Extensions on Bench
- Extra Core if time allows
Julie Bonnett Video: Sexy Toronto Photoshoot [HD]
Julie Bonnett’s Diet
I admittedly eat low carb when dieting for a show or big photo-shoot.
- Meal 1: Chicken Breast or Lean Beef with 3 Egg Whites and Fusion Omega Oil
- Meal 2 is (Pre workout) Protein Shake with Glutamend, SubQ and Purple K and Veggies
- Meal 3: (Post workout) Protein Shake with Glutamend
- Meal 4: Chicken Breast or Lean Beef with 3 Egg Whites and Fusion Omega Oil
- Meal 5: Salad with lean protein (i.e. Tuna, Salmon, Chicken)
- Meal 6: Lean protein (i.e. Tuna, Salmon, Chicken) and Nuts
Email: [email protected] For More Information.
For More Of Julie Bonnett:
TWITTER: JulieBonentt
FACEBOOK: JewelsJulieBonnett
INSTAGRAM: /contestprep

Trimmed&Toned Team.