What Emma Louise Fitness Eats In A Typical Day To Transform Her Body!

Trimmed&Toned Team.
Emma O’Neill (Emma Louise Fitness) used to fall into the usual traps of getting fit, “I under ate, over trained, and genuinely didn’t have a bloody clue.”
Eating 1200 calories a day and hovering just over 100 pounds, Emma didn’t like how she looked or felt and wanted to make a change. She decided to live a more balanced life, focusing on eating more, lifting heavy and generally enjoying the fitness lifestyle rather than being a slave to the numbers on a scale.
Since that time, Emma has gained over 10KG, has packed on muscle and looks and feels amazing. Living up to her personal mantra: “Eat well, exercise, and nourish your body. But also feed your soul. Eat pizza, eat chocolate, eat nachos. Eat the food that makes you happy.”
Follow Emma O’Neill (Emma Louise Fitness) On All Her Social Media Here:
Instagram: @emlouisefitness
Twitter: @emlouiseoneill
Snapchat: emlouisefitness
Blog: www.emlouisefitness.co.uk
Emma Louise detailed out a recent day of eating on her amazing blog which shows her typical daily diet.
“One of my favourite thing ever (judge me) is creating a massive bowl of oatmeal and making it look pretty – could you have guessed?”
“As fun as it is to share with you my chocolate porridge concoctions, I also want to give you a better insight into what I eat throughout the entire day. No, I don’t just eat carb-loaded bowls of delicousness 24/7, despite my Instagram’s implication.”
200ml MuscleFood egg whites
1 Whole egg
Half green pepper
Half red onion
Half medium courgette
1 slice protein toast (MuscleFood) [15g carb, 15g protein, 150kcals]
Half medium avocado
“Feel like a stuffed bean. Can’t move. Must generate energy to go to gym. *lies in bed for another hour*”
Training Session
“Went to gym & trained shoulders & some abs at this point (45 min session)”
Protein Pancakes With Berry Coulis:
1 scoop vegan vanilla pea protein
50g egg whites
1 whole egg
Splash almond milk
Fried in coconut oil
Frozen berries & boiling water & sukrin sweetener to make berry coulis on top.
Second Lunch: (you heard me)
1 cut up red apple
Serving of Eat Natural toasted buckwheat seeds + museli
2 spoons of almond butter
“Caramel almond KIND Bar (this was legit 10 mins after “second lunch”)”
“Kinda went in on the fats this day (so. many. nuts.) so aimed to chill out with dinner and make something which focused on primarily on carbs/protein.”
“I don’t count macros because that way of living is not enjoyable or sustainable to me, but I do *roughly* count in my head and make note of the types of foods I’m eating throughout the day to try and get an all round good balance. It helps me make decisions when I’m making my evening meal. So for dinner this day, I aimed to stay away from high fat foods for the evening and focus on other sources of nutrition. Some days I’m low on fats when I get to dinner, so will opt for something like salmon, it really varies, and it’s just what works for me.”
“One of my recent go-to lunches is literally a simple roast chicken w/ salad”
Grilled chicken breast from @musclefooduk (seasoned with paprika, garlic, rosemary, basil)
Boiled veg (broccoli & green beans)
Quinoa & kidney beans
“Almost everyday for the past 4 weeks I’ve been eating 1 or 2 (oops) big bowls of frozen fruit, nuts, and granola for my dessert. Depending on how I’m feeling I will have it with either soy yoghurt or almond milk. I try and stick to low sugar/natural granolas and I sometimes top with honey or nut butter!”
Handful frozen blueberries
Fresh strawberries
High protein/low sugar granola (lizzies’)
Almond milk
Chopped dates
“I don’t like to give my eating habits a name, but I eat intuitively. If I want 3 lunches straight after each other, I will damn well eat three lunches straight after each other. At the present moment I am trying to eat in a surplus to gain strength and muscle, but I by no means “force feed” myself to achieve these goals. I eat about 2,300 calories a day, sometimes I can fit this in preeetty easily (and more!) and sometimes not so much. I don’t stress about it. The only “rules” I have about eating at the minute is to try and focus on nutrient dense food and to stop eating so much processed junk.”

Trimmed&Toned Team.