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Alice Fields Used IIFYM Flexible Dieting To Lose Weight & Finally Keep It OFF!

Alice Fields Used IIFYM Flexible Dieting To Lose Weight & Finally Keep It OFF!

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“If I ever had a tough session or felt unmotivated to keep going… I would think about how that girl felt when she was 13 years old and would wear a cardigan on even the hottest Australian Summer days, because she was too embarrassed to show her arms

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Weight Loss Diet:

I follow IIFYM (If it fits your macros) – similar to counting calories; IIFYM involves tracking your protein, fats and carbohydrates. Then adjusting based off your bodies reaction. This allows me to be flexible with my diet. I wouldn’t even call it a diet – that’s how great it is!

I eat all kinds of things from eggs on toast, chocolate mousse with toasted muesli, chocolate bars, toasted cheese sandwiches along with that I also make sure I get enough veggies in each day!

Although tracking my macros enables me to eat virtually what I like, I still ensure I am nourishing my body with vitamins and minerals for recovering and all over health.

Weight Loss Workout:

I follow a specific powerlifting program written for me by my coach. At the moment, I train 4 days a week. Every session is based off the 3 main powerlifting movements; squat, bench and deadlift. Along with my powerlifting sessions, I incorporate a few light walks to ensure active recovery and cardio health. I have a small beagle so she keeps me on my feet!.


Alice Fields Interview

Before Stats: 22 | 171cm | 92kg | After Stats: 24 | 171cm | 72kg

What Was Your Diet Like Originally?

I have tried it all! Like many, I believed I had to eat “clean” to lose weight. I would eat steamed broccoli and grilled chicken every day. No dressings. No fun. Doing this would then cause me to binge and created a very unhealthy state of mind.

Even when I did try to eat in moderation and not restrict myself, I would never see results!


What Made You Start Getting Healthy?

A friend of mine introduced me to powerlifting around 18 months ago. I had been a member of a gym since I was 15 years old and had tried every “diet” and “weight loss program” under the sun. I would lose 10kg (22lbs) just to gain 15kg (33lbs) back on again. Once I was introduced to Powerlifting, I instantly fell in love! I felt a huge sense of belonging and accomplishment.

What Small Changes Do You Think Had The Biggest Impact?

CONSISTENCY!!! I cannot stress enough how important it is to not give up. One little step at time, and you WILL reach your goals. It was all about changing my thought process. From “I can’t” to “I will try” to “I can” and “I did!!!!” It’s the best feeling in the world.


How Did You Stay Motivated?

If I ever had a tough session or felt unmotivated to keep going… I would think about how that girl felt when she was 13 years old and would wear a cardigan on even the hottest Australian Summer days, because she was too embarrassed to show her arms. I did it for the 15 year old girl who would pretend she was sick at her school swimming carnivals so she didn’t have to be seen in her swimmers.

The girl who would stand in the mirror and cry. That’s what keeps me motivated.

Were There Any Particular Tough Points On Your Journey?

All the time. Family illness, financial struggles, relationships… it all adds up and if you let it – it can stop you from achieving your goals. But you can’t let it. I used training as an outlet for the trials and tribulations in my life.


See Also

What Advice Would You Give Someone Looking To Lose Weight?

Start. Start today. Not Monday. Think about the time you said you were going to, but never did. That time has passed anyway… you’d have reached your goals by now if you started and stuck to it. Do it for yourself.

I ALWAYS refer back to my favourite quote of all time from our little friend Dory “Just Keep Swimming”.

What Can People Do To Set Themselves Up For Success?

Surround yourself with supportive people. There’s nothing worse than people making comments about your lunch at work… or someone saying “should you be eating that” – YES SHARON!! I can eat what I want! – gets me every time.

You need people who will support you and be there when you need a boost. I am lucky enough to have an amazing support system. Find people with similar interests. If that’s not your family or friends, there are a plethora of online groups/intagram pages full of like minded people to support you!


What Are Your Favourite Healthy Weight Loss Recipes?

I’m a huge fan of getting “More bang for your buck” ie, eating as much food as my macros allow me to. Think of it as money. If I’ve got $100. I’d rather buy 10x $10 towels from Kmart than 2 x $50 from Myer.

I eat a lot of sugar free foods, which saves my carbs for later. My favourite snack at the moment is Weight Watchers Chocolate Mousse with 25g of toasted muesli, a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar, sugar free drinking chocolate and a drizzle of sugar free maple syrup. Mix it together and you’ve got heaven in a bowl my friend. Your local supermarkets have so many hidden gems, you just need to read the labels and see what’s in these foods.


How Do You Feel After Completing Such An Amazing Transformation?

I feel great! I’ve still got goals that I am working towards every day, but I feel comfortable and confident in my own skin. I’m proud of what I’ve achieved and what my body is capable of.

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