Ainsley Rodriguez’s Daily Diet That Gets Her In Crazy Shape!

Trimmed&Toned Team.
Ainsley Rodriguez is one of the top fitness models in the world with over 1.6 million followers on her Instagram page alone. Ainsley gets into incredible shape with the help of her diet which she details out below.
Follow Ainsley On All Her Social Media Here:
Instagram: @hardcoreainsley
Twitter: hardcoreainsley
Facebook: hardcoreainsley
Ainsley opened up to simplyshredded about her daily diet and her philosophy on nutrition.
“I typically eat about 7 meals a day, eating every 2.5-3 hours, consisting of approximately 5 ounces of protein and 4 ounces of complex carbs. I don’t carb cycle or do anything crazy before shoots/contests. I usually just cut out anything with sweeteners and swap my shakes for whole foods.”
Ainsley Rodriguez Diet Plan:
Meal 1: 1 cup Egg Whites, ½ cup of Oats, Almonds (Supplements: 1 Shredz Hers, 1 VitaminZ, 1 Creazine)
Meal 2: 1 cup of No Fat Greek Yogurt, 1 slice of Ezekiel Toast & 1 tbsp. of Almond Butter
Meal 3: 5 oz. Chicken, 4 oz. Sweet Potato (Supplements: 1 Shredz Hers, 1 VitaminZ, 1 Creazine)
Meal 4: 1 scoop Whey Protein, 3.5 oz. Banana
Meal 5: 5 oz. Lean Steak, 1 cup of Steamed Veggies
Meal 6: 1 cup of Egg Whites, ¼ Avocado

Trimmed&Toned Team.