30+ Of The Best Weight Loss Tumblr Blogs For Motivation!

Trimmed&Toned Team.
On the journey to weight loss, we sometimes need some extra motivation. What could be more motivating than reading the words of others on the same path? Below are some of the best weight loss tumblr blogs for motivation as found on the Tumblr website.
1. FuneralForMyFat.tumblr.com
Sharee Hansen is a 24 year old vegan who has lost over 115lbs! She has an incredible story and has documented her whole weight loss her and has inspired countless people along the way. Check out our interview with her here and click here for her beginner’s weight loss guide.
2. RunningTowardMyGoal.tumblr.com
This is an amazing blog run by teenager Kim, who had lost over 100lbs and posts some quality updates and motivational pics! Check out our interview with her here.
3. LoveHealthLift.tumblr.com
Inspirational blog from 22 year old, Rae. She promotes a healthy lifestyle and a keto/low carb diet. She regularly posts great weight loss updates and she has dropped 45lbs in 10 months. Check out her interview with us here.
4. Fit-Fat-Fabulous.tumblr.com
Fat-Fit-Fabulous. Follow Lara as she inspires others to lose weight like she did.
5. SarahLosesWeight.tumblr.com
Sarah Loses Weight. After losing 70 pounds, blogger Sarah motivates others to lose as well.
6. HealthyLucky.tumblr.com
Healthy Lucky. This health and weight loss blog is written by Lucky, a 22-year-old woman from Canada. It includes food and workout tips as well as motivation.
7. One-Twenty-Five.tumblr.com
One Twenty Five. This blog inspires people to lose weight, as the author lost 50 pounds herself.
8. Journey2AHappierMe.tumblr.com
Journey to a Happier Me. The author of this blog lost weight and shares her story to inspire others.
9. WeightLossPerks.tumblr.com
Weight Loss Perks. This blog is “devoted to all the lovely things that happen during your fitness journey.”
10. WatchAndWeight.tumblr.com
Watch and Weight. A circus performer takes you on her weight loss journey and inspires.
11. Im-Beautiful-InMyWay-SF.tumblr.com
Beautiful in My Way. The author of this blog, Stephany, hopes to motivate others as she was motivated to lose weight.
12. AHealthyNewPerspective.tumblr.com
A Healthy New Perspective. Nicole, the author of this blog, credits the women of Tumblr for helping her to lose weight. Now she hopes to give back to others looking to do the same.
13. Oanhfitblr.tumblr.com
Oanh’s Weight Loss. Oanh shares her ongoing weight loss story with her readers and motivates them to lose weight too.
14. SkinnyOnTheInside5.tumblr.com
Skinny on the Inside – Get Fit! This blog shares recipes, workouts and motivational tips.
15. WithoutTheWeight.tumblr.com
Without The Weight. Carolyn blogs about losing weight while dealing with Multiple Sclerosis and being fruit intolerant.
16. NikkiDThomas.tumblr.com
For The Moment. Accountability, positive thinking, motivation and commitment equal transformation. This is the theme of this great blog.
17. Just-Another-Meat-Popsicle.tumblr.com
#GETTINGFIT. This blog is written by Jon, a 23-year-old who takes the reader through his weight loss journey.
18. SweatNow-SmileLater.tumblr.com
Sweat Now. Smile Later. This great blog follows a 25-year-old mother and wife as she takes on her own weight loss challenge.
19. GettingFitAndLosingWeight.tumblr.com
Bec’s Fitness Blog. Follow this blog’s author as she journeys to fitness.
20. HealthyDianaXOXO.tumblr.com
Start of Something New. Follow the author as she journeys the ups and downs of weight loss.
21. 30lbsOverWeight.tumblr.com
I Want To Lose 30 lb. Travel the weight loss journey with this author who aims to lose 30 pounds.
22. Weight-Evaporate.tumblr.com
Weight Loss Journey. Fitness and a healthy lifestyle are themes of this inspiring blog.
23. JustLoseItGoCrazy.tumblr.com
Just Lose It. Be motivated with the author of this blog, who posts stats and photos of her weight loss.
24. AndWhereIsTheBody.tumblr.com
The Body Beautiful, Baby! Follow Ms. Fierce as she channels her inner goddess to lose weight!
25. FatManInALittleSuit.tumblr.com
Eat Clean, Run Hard, Lift Heavy, Be Healthy. The author of this blog has already lost 130 pounds and takes you on his journey to lose more!
26. LaniCakes.tumblr.com
Lani Gets Healthy. The author of this blog has lost 50 pounds and has the goal of losing 59 more.
27. PeaceChikFlower.tumblr.com
Melting Amy. This self-proclaimed “geek girl” is trying to get healthy and inspire others while doing so.
28. ThatsTheBadger-UK.tumblr.com
That’s The Badger. This is a visual diary of the author’s weight loss journey.
29. Things-I-Look-Forward-To.tumblr.com
Things To Look Forward To After The Weight Loss. This great blog features photos of things the author looks forward to after she loses weight.
30. GettingHealthyInBarcelona.tumblr.com
Lyndsay’s Weight Loss Journey. This blog’s author is changing her life one pound at a time.
31. WeWillLoseWeight.tumblr.com
We Will Lose Weight. This “thinspirantion” blog focuses on weight loss motivation and advice.
32. Keebs-Losing-It.tumblr.com
Keebs Losing It. This blog is written by a woman who transformed her body and hopes to inspire others to do the same.
33. OneBurpeeAtATime.tumblr.com
Lift and Eat. Taking weight loss one day at a time is the theme of this blog.
If you would like to be added to this list or be in our next version, please email us or leave a comment below!

Trimmed&Toned Team.