27 Insane Weight Loss Transformations With Before And After Interactive Slider!

June 1, 2016

Trimmed&Toned Team.
Weight loss transformations are always some of the most motivational images that you can see. The real change in a persons body and confidence after days, weeks, months, years of hard work and dedication, being shown in the same picture can be enough inspiration to help you make better decisions on your own journey.
With the help of a before/after slider, we have tried to make this change even more apparent. You can click on the slider separating the two pictures and move it across to see the before and after shot of each transformation!
We have also tried to attach the story or social media links of each transformation, so you can follow up on any that you wish to learn more about. Enjoy!
Natasha Gage – 80lbs Lost

From Natasha’s tumblr: I’m Natasha from England. I’m 23. I have a heart condition so being healthy is important to me. I am doing this the healthy way and I aim to be healthy and toned, not “skinny”.
Lauren Lind – 20+lbs Lost

Lauren is a 25 year old registered nurse in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Mercy who has always been uncomfortable with her body for as long as she can remember. Check out her full story on HitchFit here.
Sam – 6 Month Transformation

We just discovered @wanderlust.sam, aka Sam, a 24-year-old from Los Angeles on a mission of her own — one of self-care and happiness. Check out Popsugar’s story on Sam here.
Jessica (tiny-vessels on tumblr) – 70+lbs Lost

Small in height (4’10”), but large in determination, tatted beauty Jessica is one of the most inspirational weight loss journeys you’ll ever see. Check out Jessica’s tumblr for more.
Kristin Lockridge – 70lbs Lost

How This Woman Who Hated Exercise Lost 70 Pounds And Now Runs Marathons. Full story of Kristin’s weight loss here.
Abigail Peters – 110+lbs Lost

“What makes these snaps so impressive is that six months ago Abigail was posting pictures online of herself weighing 16st 8lb. Since then, the 20-year-old has shed half her body weight by exercising five days a week — and now weighs 8st 2lb.” Check out the full story here.
Jessica Larche – 100lbs Lost

You can check out Jessica’s full story as written by herself here on how she achieved such an incredible transformation and the reaction after.
Stacey Smith – 160+lbs Lost

OBESE hairdresser Stacey Smith dropped 12 stone after her mother told her: “Diet or you’ll die!” Full transformation story here.
Sara-Jayne Foreman – 120lbs Lost

I quit alcohol after my mum died and lost eight stone: Party animal’s diet spurred by her grief. Full story here.
Kirsten Helle – 103lbs Lost

“I was too embarrassed to go to the gym, so I committed to walking three times a day for ten minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.” Check out the rest of Kirsten’s story here.
Lindsey – 40+lbs Lost

“To be honest, my weight loss began years ago because of a pretty rough break up. When we were together, we went out to eat A LOT. We both worked crazy hours so our diets consisted of fast food for almost every meal.” Find out the rest of Lindsey’s story here.
Briana “Bikiny Body Mommy” – 100+lbs Lost

How One Woman Went From Obesity to a Bikini Body. Check out Briana’s full story here.
Keeley – 60+lbs Lost

Keeley went through such an incredible weight loss transformation that passport control nearly denied her entry abroad when she went on holiday with her boyfriend. Full story here.
Jill Lee Ann – 150+lbs Lost

Jill Lee Ann aka jillleeannsjourney_ on Instagram started her weight loss journey at over 350lbs and realised she had to make a change. One day she woke up and decide she didn’t want to keep going on this way and immediately started eating healthier and working out. You can find our full interview with Jill here.
Sheri Cameron – 200lbs Lost

Sheri lost over 200lbs (over half her bodyweight) and became an icon for people looking to transform their bodies and transform their lives.
Jamie Vick – 83lbs Lost

Having tried diet after diet over the years, Jamie wasn’t sure she could lose weight until she stumbled upon MyFitnessPal and started making major changes! Check out her full story here.
Kelsey Byers – 50lb Weight Loss

Kelsey Byers Wife, Fit Mom, Author, Blogger, 50 LB Weight Loss, CPT, Lifestyle Coach. Be sure to check out Kelsey’s Instagram for more pictures and her workouts!
Emma-Jo Beadle – 84lbs Lost

Over a decade, Emma-Jo moved up five dress sizes, leaving the sunshine holidays she had used to enjoy in her size-12 bikini just a distant memory. Finding that old bikini and the drive to fit into it again sparked a massive change in her eating and exercise habits. Find the full story here.
Thea – 40lbs Lost

You can check out Thea aka Fashionistalatinamua’s full youtube video documenting her weight loss here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f-2Qvltl10 and find more on her Instagram account here.
Rachel Ngom – 68lbs Lost

Find out Rachel’s full story by watching her youtube video detailing her journey here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLw7oa9fbB8
Sharee Samuels (formerly Hansen) – 121lbs Lost

Sharee has documented her incredible weight loss journey from the start on her amazing tumblr and website: http://afuneralformyfat.com. She also has a new book coming out which goes into her story and transformation which you should definitely consider buying if you want to know more!
Alyssa Schomaker (A Fit Nurse) – 20+lbs Lost

Check out Alyssa’s website here for more information on her transformation and healthy lifestyle.
Rachel Frederickson – 100+lbs Lost

Rachel is one of the most famous contestants on American reality show, “The Biggest Loser” Where people compete to lose the most weight. You can check out her website here.
Hannah Curlee – 120lbs Lost

Hannah is another contestant from “The Biggest Loser” and lost an incredible 120lbs over the course of the show and completely transformed her body! Here is Hannah’s Twitter for you to find out more and her interview with HuffingtonPost.
Alison Braun – 121+lbs Lost

You can find out all about Alison’s incredible weight loss with her DailyMail interview here.
Grace – 46lbs Lost

Check out the details on Grace’s Blog were she talks about her transformation photo that reached over 100,000 people!
Tanya Rybakova – 121lbs Lost

‘I was bullied as a teen for being fat, now I’m a top model’. Tanya now has 300k Instagram fans that she shares her incredible story and transformation with. Check out her interview with her TheSun here.

Trimmed&Toned Team.