20 Amazing Motivational Weight Loss Transformation Stories!

Trimmed&Toned Team.
20 incredible stories from 20 incredible people who transformed their bodies and their lives through hard work and discipline. Each with their own journey, triggered by their own individual problems and motivations. You can learn something different and inspirational from each one. Use their knowledge and their stories and apply what you think will work to your own journey to achieve the best results possible!
1. Jen Tallman.
Scared about getting diabetes and high blood pressure, this 25-year-old lost 90 pounds! Jen says she could have easily eat up to 7000 calories a day at her highest weight and after mounting health problems including exhaustion and headaches, decided she needed to turn her life around. Jen started with 20 minute walks and healthy eating, making smart choices with her diet. Click on her name to find out more about her story!
2. Tracie Boyle.
After switching to nutrient-rich foods, Tracie transformed her body. She had slowly gained weight over her childhood and teenage years and after being inspired by a healthy goodie bag she received at a gala, she decided to research more into weight loss and she decided that she was going to start making healthier choices.
3. Roni.
Using a weight loss blog to inspire herself, Roni, lost 70 pounds. She didn’t start off with insane goals or any huge plans, she simply wanted to start eating better and feeling better and learned some basic nutrition knowledge from weight watchers on how an what to eat. She started a blog to document her process and to inspire her along the way.
4. Marcin Maly.
Tired of the weight gained from a partying lifestyle, Marcin lost 47 pounds. Marcin loved to party hard and after feeling uncomfortable about going to the beach or a water park with his skinny friends, he decided he had to get in shape and set a goal of competing in a bodybuilding competition to provide him motivation to stay on track!
5. Jennifer Hutt.
After being diagnosed with high blood pressure at age 39, Jennifer turned her life around to lose 70 pounds! After losing her mother to a battle with cancer, she decided to turn her own life around and drop the weight. She did this by viewing each meal as a time to start again and keeping motivated throughout her incredible journey.
6. Martha Price.
Martha lost 84 pounds after working with a weight loss coach. It was this investment in her health that really made the difference as her coach taught her about healthy eating and exercise which helped her stay motivated to lose weight.
7. Krystal Sanders.
Unhappy with how she looked in her wedding photos, this 27-year-old was inspired to lose weight. She would eat unhealthy ready meals all the time and swapped these over for delicious meals that she cooked herself.
8. Peter Larson.
After seeing himself look overweight in a photo, Peter used the combination of exercise and diet to lose weight. He started to get serious about running and to inspire him, made a pact with his wife that they would both run a 4 mile race in the coming months.
9. Kim Hric.
Kim felt depressed by how she looked. Using her energy to instead concentrate on diet and exercise, she lost 41 pounds! Initially Kim didn’t know anything about healthy eating but decided to start eating properly and learning how to lift weights. She stuck to a strict diet, high in protein for a year and continued to exercise and do cardio 4-5 times a week.
10. Nancy Reinhardt.
Although she was diagnosed with degenerating discs, Nancy forged ahead with her weight loss plan and looks terrific today! She started out with incredible back problems which kept her in bed more often than not. She started off slowly and soon developed a body that anyone would be proud of!
11. Sandi Holder.
Sandi took control of her life, joined a gym and lost 80 pounds! Learning how to lift weights and eat properly helped Sandi change her life and her body to shed over 75lbs.
12. Steven Wishnoff.
Steven cut out sugar from his diet and ended up losing 165 pounds! Stevens always grew up big, being 6 foot at 13 years old, throughout the years, he slowly started putting on weight, tipping the scales at over 400lbs. It was sitting at his desk, feeling his arms swell that he knew he had to make a change and start eating better.
13. Jhanki.
Jhanki beat her childhood weight loss struggle to emerge many pounds lighter. Jhanki gained weight throughout her childhood through bad eating habits. She started losing the weight following a few simple rules, such as no junk food and drinking lots of water.
14. Karan.
Karan was once 277 pounds, and now she is a successful weight loss coach! Using her knowledge from her own transformation she has started helping other people better their own bodies and lives.
15. Helen.
Not only did Helen lose 82 pounds, but she also wrote a weight loss book! In just 10 short months, Helen lost over 80lbs and wrote a book documenting her journey and how she did it!
16. Torrey Fingal.
At 285 pounds, Torrey was denied life insurance. Now he has lost 85 pounds! After moving to college he found it difficult to continue to eat healthy, nutritious meals but after being diagnosed with type II diabetes he knew he had to make a change, not just for his body, but for his health as well.
17. Tara B.
After having a child, Tara decided it was time to transform her body into something she was proud of. She was asked to go for a walk by her husband and seeing herself in the mirror as she was getting changed was enough to spark her into changing her lifestyle and her eating habits.
18. Christie Dougherty.
Christie went from weighing 230 pounds to running 1000 miles in marathons! Christie grew up in a healthy household but throughout high school and college found it difficult to keep her weight down and after struggling to climb the stairs in her college she decided enough was enough!
19. Paul Birch.
After consuming an entire lemon pie by himself, Paul had finally had enough with his obesity. He drove himself to a gym afterwards, and the rest is history! He started to life weights consistently and eat healthier, smaller meals that helped shape his new physique.
20. Mara Rosenbloom.
Mara wanted to start a family, but at 285 pounds, her sister worried about her health. She saw a weight loss specialist and lost 89 pounds. Using a weight loss specialist really transformed Mara’s lifestyle and helped her stay motivated to continue on her healthy journey.

Trimmed&Toned Team.